Monday, March 14, 2005

Senegal was very cool

Well we have had no internet access for over a week, so I will try to
highlight some points from our travels. Traveling from Dakar to Ossouye
was really pretty hard, it literally took an entire day. The distance
was not really that far but the roads here are terrible. We were in
transit for over 12 hrs. Going through the Gambia was pretty
frustrating too. We paid for a shared taxi to take us the whle way.
When we reached the Gambia river the ferry that was supposed to take us
across was broken and there was a line of cars backed up for quite a
way. We waited for over an hour and came to the conclusion it was time
for plan B. We abandoned our taxi and hopped into a small boat which
took us across. Then we managed to hop a few transports (vans w/ many
seats)to get us the rest of the way. A crazy experience really. I have
found travel in Africa to be like this, very slow and difficult and
nothing is easy. It is always an adventure though.
The church in Ossouye is great. They were happy to see us and took very
good care of us. The food here is great, rice and fish very often. One
major difficulty in all of this is I do not speak French (the official
language) Andy has been pretty much getting us by with his French
skills. A few people at the church speak English, and they have been
translating for us. I have learned a little bit and also some of the
native language (Jolla) I now know most of the basic greetings which
are very important here.
We immediately started prayer shifts through the night, and God gave us
much insight to the issues and battles here. For three days Andy and I
taught on Spiritual warfare, and it went really well. They had many
questions and seemed to be very attentive. There is a ton of idol
worship here and animal sacrafices. The typical Senegalese are very
superstious people, and practice a form of witchcraft and animism. Also
many are muslim and mix the two together. It is pretty strange and
foreign to us. Though the common thing we all face is fighting
deception in different forms.
For two days we also went to a small town near the southern coast
Kabrousse. There we did the same teachings for the new church there and
we also did some street evangelism during the day. It was so cool. The
people are so hungry for something real. I was able to pray with over
20 people to receive a personal revelation of Christ, and Martha did
about he same. God also gave me many specific words for people and I
was able to pray for healing for a bunch as well. The village is fairly
small, and once word got out of what we were doing, many more came
because of the word of their friends. There is so much more to tell,
but I am out of time. We are back in Dakar and will be leaving for
Ghana tomorrow afternoon. We have a stop in the Ivory Coast and will
arrive in the evening. Thanks to everybody who is praying for us, it is


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