Wednesday, January 26, 2011

We have arrived

We arrived in Accra Tuesday morning around 9:00AM. Everything went as smooth as can be. The flight was great, our bags arrived safe and our friend Tom was waiting for us at the airport! This was all an answer to prayer. They set us up to stay in a missionary's house who is currently on vacation in England. So we have been totally taken care of. We had a little time to adjust and get things in order and today we are going to the Arts Center in central Accra. This is where all the artisans work, it is also where Tom started a church in 2005. We are hoping for an exciting time of ministry there. We will keep you posted, and thanks for the prayers!


At 12:47 PM, Blogger Francine said...

Awesome praise God your arrival and accomodations went smoothly and thanks for letting us know!!
LOL, Franny

At 7:45 PM, Blogger Christine Feather said...

That's so cool you that you guys got hooked up with a place to stay and no lost luggage. God is so cool! :-) -Christine

At 3:26 PM, Blogger Pam Cecile said...

Praise God for your safe arrival and accomodations. Good luck on your mission and I look forward to hearing about your trip.Pam Cecile


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