Wednesday, March 16, 2005

Arrived in Ghana

Well we finally made it! The trip took 8 hours. We stopped in Guniea,
Ivory Coast, Togo, and finally Ghana. We arrived in Accra at around
11PM and we were greeted by Tom. He took us to stay at the orphanage
that he runs. It is pretty nice compared to the set up in Senegal. The
weather is really hot and humid and it was difficult to sleep. Today
we are doing some errands, exchanging money, email, etc. We have a
pretty busy week of minisrty ahead. We will be doing evangelistic
street meetings a few nights this week. Also we will do some
leadership training for Tom's church. In addition we are meeting with
the students from the University at Legon. They want us to pray with
them and do evangelism. I think we will get to teach them the
spiritual warfare stuff we used in Senegal too. Andy will be preaching
for the street meetings as well as the Sunday servives for Tom's
street church. I will be leading worship and may be speaking one of
the evenings. A busy week ahead but I look forward to see what God is
gonna do. Keep praying for us.


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