Wednesday, January 26, 2011

The Arts Center Evangelism

The Arts Center is a community of artisans that live near the beach in Accra. There is a whole village of make-shift shacks where people live around the collection of kiosk-structures for selling their goods. The conditions are not the best. There is a large variety of craftsmen and women, there are drum makers, seamstresses, wood carvers, painters, etc. Tom has had a church building there for the last three years and started the ministry work there in 2005. By the order of the police no one is allowed to build a church in the area, but Tom's has been the only one allowed to stay, which is a testimony to God's grace on this work.

Our first day of evangelism was amazing. We wandered through the maze of houses and were looking for a specific woman to pray with. We did not find her but ran into another woman who knew her. As we were talking to her God revealed to us some specific information about her life. It was simply that she had been experiencing pain in her head and was also having terrible dreams at night that were disturbing her ability to rest. She confirmed that these things were true so we asked her if we could pray for her for healing and for Jesus to reveal himself to her. She said yes and also called her family over for prayer. As we prayed for her, the power of God came on her in a tangible way, we could feel it and she collapsed . After a little while we she opened her eyes and shared about how she had a power encounter with God and was taken into a vision where Jesus revealed himself to her. After others witnessed what happened they began to tell their friends and soon others were asking if we would pray with them as well. The next girl we prayed for had a similar experience and began to weep when she came to. God also gave us other specific words about her life and detailed info about things she was going through, and she confirmed it was exactly true.

Next her friend Christie asked for prayer and  she also had a heavenly vision of people all around her singing. We could feel a surge of power as we prayed, and I believed God siad he was healing her back. I asked her about it and she said she had pains in her back before but they were now gone. She didn't even ask for this!  We prayed for a woman who was barren and wanted to conceive. God reveald some words for her life as well and she reported a physical sensation of his power going through her body. This continued on for a few hours where people kept coming and asking for prayer to know Jesus and get healing! I could go on but it was really wonderful to see God work!


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