Friday, March 18, 2005

Good things in Accra

The street meetings to the homeless went well. I played three songs on
guitar and immediately a huge crowd of kids gathered around. The
amplification was a bit sketchy, it was having some issues. At one
point they held a bullhorn up to where I was singing. It sounded so
ridiculous. Andy spoke a cool message and many responded wanting
prayer for healing and deliverance. We were also able to give
prophetic words for many of the people. During the day we had a good
time meeting with the students. We did a bible study in this guy Nat's
room. They were very glad to have us and had many good things to
share. We went out for a short time (20 min) to do evangelism and
prayed with around 12 students as well. I look forward to more with
them. I will also be speaking at the Sunday church service for the
students while Andy will be speaking at the street church.


At 6:05 PM, Blogger Vince Switzer said...

Happy to hear that things are progressing...I wonder if the travel issues you have will be the same I encounter in Peru...



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