Thursday, January 27, 2011

Day two of Arts Center Evangelism

As we went back to the arts center we had another phenomenal time of evangelism. A church leader named Tony took us around to pray for people, as he also has a shop and works there. At first we took time to pray for him and ask God to give him boldness and a filling of the Holy Spirit. Afterward he said he felt a power and energy that he has never experienced before. Though normally timid, he was excited and bold as we went out! Again we prayed with over 30 people, many were healed and reported experiences with God. I want to highlight a few of the most dramatic things. One man reported he felt a surge of power as we prayed & he heard God speak to him. God said "I want you to give your whole life to me and serve me" The man was deeply moved and said he would give his whole life to Jesus!

Other cool things that happened were that we had may specific words, insight, and details into people's lives. God revealed these things to us to share with people so they would know his love for them. For one man, God showed us his desire to go to university and study a specific major, for another God revealed that there was specific heart break and disappointment, for another family history of idol worship. We also met two older Muslim men, who allowed us to pray for them. I am not sure what they were expecting but they definitely got some Jesus. God revealed to us that one of the mem was suffering from stomach pains. He said it was true so we asked Jesus to heal him. He lated shared the pains were gone and he could feel the power of God. Both of the men were excited and wanted a revelation of Jesus. Most of the people we encountered shared that they could physically feel the presence of God and had a tangible encounter with him! What an awesome time :^)


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