Wednesday, March 23, 2005

Busy in Ghana

Our schedules have been packed since we arrived in Accra. We did manage
to get a little bit of rest time. One day we went to the beach for a
couple of hours. We all got burned too! It is surprising how little
Ghana has capitolized on its huge streatch of beaches. There is little
development and it remains pretty dirty. There is trash covering most
of the shores, and in some more remote parts where fisherman live on
the beach, they use the water as a latrine. Anyway we did have some fun

We had a bunch more meetings with Tom's church here. We had a study
with the leadership of his church and Andy laid out some of the
foundational leadership stuff from UCF. They had many good questions
and seemed to receive everything shared. We also shared the spiritual
warfare teachings with the leaders here. It was harder to tell what
they took from this, but we gave it a shot. The last night of the
street meetings went well. Many more people came out and responded.
Things flowed better, were more in order, and the sound system worked
better too. Andy spoke an anointed message and we prayed over many
people at the end. I was able to pray with many kids and laid my hands
on a number of sick people as well. God did some cool things that
night. We found that a bunch of people came out to Tom's church on
Sunday as a result of their experiences from these night meetings.

I spoke with the student group at the University at Legon on Sunday as
well. They are a pretty cool bunch of guys. They were excited to learn
some new worship songs and really liked the guitar. They also seemed to
respond really well to the teaching. It was a pretty hard direct word
about what it means to be a disciple of Jesus. They all responded with
prayers and seemed to soak everything in.

Andy also spoke at the new Group Tom started at the Arts center. It is
the beach where the artisans and craftsmen live. Many are drum makers.
A few are Rastas, and generally they are all sort of outcasts. There
were about 20 guys there, and I got to play a few songs for them. They
got into it and had some good responses to the teaching.

On Monday we travelled to the central reigon of Ghana. We went with Tom
to visit with a couple of pastors there. The remote villages are quite
different from the city. It was beautiful surroundings. There were palm
trees and green hills all around. It is the 'bush' There are many small
villages all over the place. Many only accessable by dirt roads and
trails. The houses there were mud huts. They are constructed by
building a bamboo frame and covering it in the reddish clay/mud. The
roofs are made of thatch and some coverings are made with palm leaves
woven together. There is no electricity in many of these villages, and
the water comes from cisterns or wells. It was pretty interesting.
Anyhow we met with and prayed with a couple of pastors. We also met
with a lady who had a cool story. She was sick in bed for years and
this pastor (we went to visit) prayed with her and she was completly
healed. She was very happy to see us and we were alble to pray with her
and her family. It is strange to the western world but many people here
still worship idols in their homes. It is very common in the villages.
We also watched a small boy climb up like 100 feet in a tree to cut out
some coconuts! A cool scene really.

We did some more ministry, and met with Tom's youth group one night.
They are pretty cool kids, they like our songs and got into the
teachings about the Father's heart. Andy and Martha flew for home late
Tuesday night. So now I am on my own. I seem to already have a pretty
packed schedule. I will be doing a bunch more teaching stuff with Tom's
church this week, and next week I will be traveling north to do a Youth
conference for three days. I am enjoying the opportunity very much,
though it can be hard at times. Thanks everybody who is praying for me,
it is felt.


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