Friday, January 28, 2011

La bodi evangelism

La bodi is the area near where we are staying, which is on the outskirts of Accra. While walking through the area we met a school master for underprivileged children.  He invited us to come and see his school, and so we did. We told him we would come back later and bring school supplies because Don had packed a large number of pencils, pens and crayons. We returned later and brought the gifts along with a message.  As we began to share the gospel, he told us to wait.  He wanted to invite all the teachers to hear as well.  We shared about hearing God's voice and experiencing his love.  Next, we prayed for each one and God gave us words for them and they all said they could feel Gods power. One man got affected and we asked him "How do you feel?" and he exclaimed "I don't know, but it's good!" Also, we encouraged them about gathering for morning prayer and speaking encouraging words over the children.
In the evening we went to Downtown Accra to do evangelism with homeless people.  Tom has a church that meets in an alley there and they have been gathering for years to worship Jesus.  Some of the members of that church went to do evangelism with us.  Afterword we met with the church and prayed over each member. All of them needed physical healing of some kind. Some highlights from that evening were: one lady with malaria symptoms was relieved and a man had facial swelling visibly recede. One women said she could not see well, after prayer she said it improved. We continued to pray it would get better and cloudiness visibly lifted from her eyes. She then described my features and what I was doing. Another man has pains in his neck and throat and after persistent prayer he said it all went away. Praise Jesus, he still heals!!!!


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