Tuesday, April 12, 2005

Back in Accra

Well I spent two days in Tamale. I had no real plans but decided to just see where God would lead me. I had dinner at a restaurant the first evening I was there. It was a cool location on a rooftop in the middle of downtown. I met a few kids that invited me to join them so I did. It turns out they were good friends with the kid I stayed with in Larabanga (the town near Mole national park) It was pretty strange, but not a coincidence. I spent time just hanging out with them. A couple were Rastas. I was able to share a bit about God, and they asked me to stay another day to talk more. I felt like I was supposed to so I met them the next day. One of the guys named Fasil invited me to his home and we ate and watched some movies. We talked a lot and I felt like I was to give him my bible. It seemed simple enough but he was so excited and appreciative. I also shared some of my music with him. We spent some time in prayer and I believe God wants to do a powerful work in his life. It was a cool connection and I know I will be in contact with him again. The trip back to Accra took over 11 hours it was pretty draining. I arrived there at around 6:00pm. I hiked to get a trotro (a van crammed with around 20 people) to get back to the orphanage I was staying. On our way the driver decided to take a short cut. When he was pulling off on a dirt road one of the tires fell into a drainage ditch and he broke the axel. We were going slow, it was not a huge deal. The only problem was getting a ride the rest of the way. There were no other trotros on that road. I was not too far from my destination, maybe a mile so decided to walk. I was pretty beat and carrying a heavy pack and guitar. I just prayed God throw me a bone, help me out. And right after a man pulled over and said he would give me a ride because I looked tired! A good end to a long trip. I went to Tom's church the next day (Sunday morning) I got to pray for a baby it was a dedication service. Also I was able to pray for a sick woman who lived on the street. I spent some time talking to Tom and planning out my schedule for the last week here. It seems we will be doing some evangelism and street meetings again in the area the homeless are. I think that will be Thursday, Friday, and Saturday, and I will preach on Sunday before I leave. Yesterday (Monday) I went with Tom to a town called Promprom. We went to visit a school. I got to see Tema and the port where everything comes into Ghana. I also met with Eric's pastor friend as he was passing through. Today I plan to meet with Eric and talk and pray with him. I should be able to write again soon, now that I am in Accra. Adois for now


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