Sunday, January 30, 2011

Sunday is church day!

We started the day out by going to the church at the arts center. On the way there we met some drum makes prayed with them and invited them to come out. They were really happy and did come out to get more prayer. I preached at the service and we had a chance to pray over every person there, there were around 50-60 people in all. Also some people came out who we met from evangelism earlier in the week. Actually the first woman I described from Wednesday was the first one waiting to get in the church! It was a good service and some reported to be healed and others to have had power encounters with Jesus.

After that one of the church members wanted to take us to his neighborhood called 'Babylon' It was interesting place filled with little shacks and guys who sold coconuts. Immediately I started playing guitar and a crowd gathered around us. The team started praying for a guy with a leg problem who limped up to us. As they were doing this I shared a simple gospel message. When I was finished the man turned to the crowed and said "God healed me!" and he strutted away without the limp! Needles to say this started a chain of events that blew us all away. People lined up and after each was prayed for we asked them to tell the crowd what had happened. One after another they proclaimed what God did! People were set free from back pain, joint pain, stomach problems, fevers, and 4 people were healed of poor and blurred vision. One woman said she saw what looked to be a line across her eyes and It was cleared up and she could see clearly. We were so amazed by this, and in all we prayed for around 25-30 people, all of whom got a taste of the goodness and love of Jesus! He is truly good!


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