Friday, April 15, 2005

More ministry

I have had a good time the last few days. On Wednesday I traveled to a village around Mankassiem. It is in the central region and a rural village. From some things I saw there was much Idol worship there. I was invited to speak to a church there by a guy named Joseph. He is the pastor friend who got a hold of our friend Eric. The ministry went really well I thought. The people were very excited and very hungry for God. I preached about the Love of God, and the Father's heart stuff, and I spoke about hearing from God in a personal relationship. This was all very welcome, and new news to them. There were about 50 people in all and I was also able to pray over each one and give words. They were thrilled and said God really spoke to them. After a break we came back for a question and answer time. The questions were all really good and I had fun getting to teach some basic stuff. They were things like "What does it mean to be born again?"and "What does it mean to be righteousness?" and "How can you hear the voice of God?"
Over all I was encouraged and I got to spend many hours with Eric and talk with him.

Yesterday I spoke in the evening at a street crusade. It was in the area where many homeless people stay. I was a new experience for me and not really my style of ministry, but God helped me out. I prayed much of the day and God gave me some cool stuff to share. At the end many, many people responded, and many came asking for prayer. I beleive many were healed and touched by God. So I am having fun with all the ministry stuff here and more to come. Until later....


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