Wednesday, February 02, 2011

Trip to the western region

On wednesday morning we took a bus to the western region of Ghana to a town called Techiman. It took a long time but we left early. We met up with an old friend named Stephen who oversees a number of churches out here. In the evening we went to a church to preach and share a message. Before we left God showed us a vision of a storm turning in the spirit. We knew he was about to do some great things.

I got to lead some worship songs and preach. As I played I felt the strong presence of the Lord and God gave me a message which was different than what I prepared. It led into a time of ministry as we layed hands on and prayed for each person there. There were around 60 people and we saw and felt powerful physical manifestations of God's touch. Many fell to the ground and got filled with His Spirit and many reported being physically healed. Even the guard of the property, who was Muslim came in and asked for prayer when he saw what was going on. He invited Jesus into his life, and said he got healed. They later told me the message really inspired them and they were surprised with our simplicity and the anointing of God tht followed. (Many preachers here shout a lot and get all worked up, and put on a show) Another interesting thing was a big thunder storm came after this and it rained in the night. They said this is very abnormal because it is the dry season. It was a physical confirmation of what God showed usearlier. What a great time we had!


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