Saturday, April 16, 2005

Almost finished

One more day and I am off. Yesterday was cool I went to the Arts center and was looking at African drums to bring back, let me know if you want one. We also had another meeting on the street. It went pretty well, Tom preached and I got to play guitar and pray for people. Again many responded to the message. Today I spoke to a bunch of Tom's leaders about evangelism. It was frustrating because everyone was late. It is a constant problem with everyone here. They call it Africa time, which means whenever they feel like showing up! For those who know Eric, I also met with him today and had a great talk and time of prayer, keep praying for him. God is really doing something cool with him, he is getting free! Well tonight another street meeting. Tomorrow I speak at the church service at the Arts center and then at the street church. My plane leaves late in the evening. This is probably the last post from Africa. When I get back I will put some pictures on this site. See you soon!!!


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