Thursday, February 03, 2011

Day two in Techiman

This morning we went to the Techiman Market which is the largest of its kind in west Africa. We started off with a time of worship then a large crowd began to gather and Dean preached while Matt played his guitar. We went into a time of praying over people, each one of the team members layed hands on the sick and prayed. The crowd continued to grow, & by the time we were finished we prayed with over 70 people, many of which were Muslim.

Some of the notable healings were 5 people had vision restored, multiple heart and back problems fixed, stomach and lung problems, demonic opression as well as neurological problems. To sum it up, the gospel was preached, sick were healed and demons were cast out!

Next we went to a nearby school. There were children from ages 6-16. We met with the school master whom God healed from
joint pain after we prayed for him. Then they organized the children in one large crowd. We played some worship songs and taught them the words, & then we shared a message of relationship with Jesus. They all wanted it and we prayed for them. Then the team was arranged into 2 lines facing each other. We then asked the children to pass through as we prayed blessing over them, this took some time as we were told that there were around 1,000 kids! It was a funny & strange sensation to be surrounded by so many laughing and jumping children. There will be another meeting at the church tonight and we expect to see even more people come. Please continue to pray for us.


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