Sunday, February 06, 2011

Another interesting Sunday

The Sunday church service at the Arts Center was really fun. I believe the message preached was received well and encouraged everyone. We also had a great time of prayer with everyone afterward. It was a busy day because immediately after the service we went to Manchie for a time of evangelism.

Manchie is a farming village about an hour away from Accra. It is really beautiful scenery with green hills surrounding it in every direction. There were many palm trees and also many people farming plantains. We met with the local pastor there and walked around meeting people. We prayed for a woman with a skin disease and she said afterward she felt relief from her pain. Next we prayed with an old man who said he had pain (I think he said a urinary tract infection) for a very long time. After we prayed he said he felt a sensation inside his body and the pain left it was all gone! This was really encouraging.

Next there was a woman who walked with a cane. She describe a very bad accident she had and how her leg and knee were all twisted around. She said it pains her to walk and it has been this way for two years. We asked her if she wanted Jesus to heal her and she said yes, if he does I will get up and dance! So we said we would hold her to it. We prayed for some time and then asked her to get up and test it. She said all the pain was gone! She was excited but her leg was not completely straightened out. We prayed a bit more and she was walking around without the cane. It was not 100% well but she was sure happy the pain was gone. I played a song on my guitar and she began to dance and shake her booty all around. It gave everyone a huge smile and a good laugh.

Another cool encounter was with an old lady who had joint pains and blurred vision. She also stated that the pain was gone and her vision improved. I asked her to look at Dean and tell me if he was handsome or not to test the vision. She did and said he looked fine!


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