Friday, February 04, 2011

Last day in Techiman

We started out by visiting a high school, we played a couple of worship songs and African dancing broke out. Dean joined in, then it was mass hysteria.  It was an exuberant time, and everybody had fun.  After that I shared a message about the prodigal son and then we prayed over the students, they all wanted to hear from God and have a relationship with Jesus. There was about 100 kids in all.  Dean also prayed with the Muslim professor.

From there, we went back to the Techiman Market.  It was another awesome day of seeing God move.  We went to a different section of the market and started off with worship. Again, a crowd gathered we starting praying for people.  Most of them were Muslim, and started a friendship with Jesus.  It is almost crazy how many miracles God showed today.  Each of the team reported that almost everybody we prayed for were healed.  We witnessed the miraculous healing of a hernia, a broken finger, knee problems, head and neck problems, asthma, body pain, arms, a wrist sprain, fevers, heart problems, and foot problems.  The Gospel was preached, many received Jesus, and many were healed! All I can say is God is awesome.


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