Saturday, February 05, 2011

Finish strong

Pray we would have a strong finish, only a few days left here now. Last night we drove through the night back from Techiman. It was a rough ride and we did not rest well. Today we needed to do laundry and get things in order. We rested a bit and planned for the last few days. Plans are always pretty loose and we have learned to go with the flow. Tomorrow we will go back to the Arts Center Church and then after that drive to a nearby village called Manchi. There is a newer church there, and we will do some evangelism with them. We may go back there on Monday too but we are not sure yet. Tuesday the team returns to New York. We did hear some cool follow up news though. Our friend Philip works at the hospital were we prayed for all those guys. He went around and talked to some of them, and called the others. He said two were relesed and are doing great. The others he spoke with directly also said they were doing very well and were not experiencing any pain. The first boy I mentioned (that was outside the hospital) was putting full weight on his leg and walking around and said it was well! That was really encouraging to hear. Still being blown away....


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